Suren Cooke Agencies has understood the importance of obtaining recognized certifications and accreditations.

Awarded-Pest Management Company of the Year for the Asian/Oceania Region
Awarded - Leader in Sustainability
Gold Award Winner - Global Sustainability Awards

Winner of the Business Excellence Award (Business Sector - Other Services Category) at the National Business Excellence Awards 2023 by the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka.

Voted No. 01 Pest Control Organisation in LMD Magazine's Customer Excellence Survey 2023.

- We are a Carbon Neutral Certified Company.
- Listed as Australian Fumigation Provider for exports to Australia.
- The first Pest Management company in Sri Lanka, and an elite few around the world, to obtain ISO 22000: 2005 certification for Food Safety.
- Suren Cooke Agencies awarded the prestigious ISO 9001: 2008 certification for Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001:2004 for Environment Management Systems and OHAS 18001:2007
- Member of the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) , National Pest Management Association (NPMA), and Singapore Pest Management Association (SPMA).
- Mr. Suren Cooke, Managing Director serves in the Advisory Committee of Montreal Protocol.