Control of Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are becoming increasingly dangerous and deadly as they are now able to adapt to the environment they live in. Although, minuscule in size, mosquitoes cause more death than accidents in Sri Lanka.
Integrated Mosquito Management
We offer an integrated solution, designed especially for managing mosquitoes. Our Integrated Vector Control Managementtechnique, targets each stage of the mosquitos’ life cycle; this includes treatment and removal of places where mosquitoes breed, throughlarviciding and water based fogging.
Based on the intensity of the level of breeding in a particular property, insecticides are used: which have been approved by the WHO and the WHOPES for vector control.

Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Grounds
- Evading those places which could become breeding grounds, by constantly inspecting and removing still water.
- The usual places where Aedes mosquitoes breed include, fresh water, containers, pot plants, rain spouts, plates and other vessels.
- By destroying all possible and potential places of breeding in your property, the growth of mosquitoes can be evaded successfully, while increasing the success rate of larvicide treatment.

- This controls the growth of mosquito larvae.
- Infestation can be reduced by applying Larvicide treatment to places with high potential for breeding.
- Prior to carrying out the larvicide treatment a full inspection for any potential breeding ground will be conducted.
Thermal Fogging (Water and Diesel based) - Hand Held and Truck Mounted Thermal Foggers
- In order to stop the cycle of breeding, thermal fogging is carried out, wiping out adult mosquitoes.
- Fogging is done at the best time when mosquitoes are most active, resulting in successful mitigation.
- Fogging takes the form of two methods. One being, water-based thermal fogging and the other being, diesel-based thermal fogging.
- Both methods help in effectively wiping out adult mosquitoes that lay larvae and breed in and around the premises. Nevertheless, water-based fogging is the more eco-friendly and safe method and is often recommended. This method does not emit carbon and releases minimal rate of smoke which reduces the level of fog, creating an environment with better visibility, safety and health.
- Intervening through ULV misting (chemical) is another method of eradicating adult mosquitoes. Applied indoors, this solution covers locations ranging from small to large.